Sunday, January 20, 2008


The only reason that we have created this blog is because Lydia and SaraH have one. So to save you from biased comments and false information, this blog provides the truth no matter what those two say. If you want proof of this, check ou their blogs. By the way, Ryan always wins at Scene it (Lydia) as well as Scategories and Apples to Apples(SaraH). Also Lydia tries to say (with support from SaraH) that she is the foosball champ. The real champ is, of course, Caleb.

Peace to the People - Caleb


Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

Awesome blog! Very creative. I guess ya'll got pretty jealous of Sarah and I. lol jk I will read this frequently and add it to my blogs list even though it is a blog of lies(the anti-blog). Btw, how could you call me a liar? That really hurts. jk


Anonymous said...

HAHA jealous?? you mean bored?
and im not calling you a liar just not calling you the foosball champ.

Anonymous said...

Bored today when ya'll were hanging out or bored of mine and Sarah's blogs? Our blogs are so cool! Okay, I admit that I'm not the foosball champ. Happy?

Sarah said...

o.k. i have to agree that Caleb is the foosball champ! Sorry Lydia! =] But i definately don't like that you called our blogs boring!! thanks a lot.... But i do like ya'lls blog it's cool!


Ryan and Caleb said...

We didn't mean to call yalls blogs boring. We meant that we were bored and decided to make our blog.

Ryan and Caleb said...

Plus, yall do need to write some more stuff more often.


Sarah said...

i'll try to be better. I can't think of anything to write..... And i'm not mad i just thought that you were talking about our blogs. I'm glad you don't think there boring. Only sometimes though! =]


Ryan and Caleb said...

What do you mean by "only sometimes though?"


Andy Gill said...

Cool blog... I added you to my blog list. Who's dog?


Sarah said...

I meant that it's only boring when I don't do anything on it.


Anonymous said...

Its ryans dog (named coper)


Ryan and Caleb said...


Ryan and Caleb said...

Everyone's is boring if your not writing n it but, Ya everyone seems to have a better design than we do. Caleb- we need to fix that.


Anonymous said...

ok sownds good to me!

Sarah said...

Caleb!! Sownds?? R yall out of school?


Anonymous said...

ya!! its martin luther king's birthday or somthing like that


Sarah said...

I know that!! Just asking.


Ryan and Caleb said...

sorryyy!!! lol

Anonymous said...

ya!! its martin luther king's birthday or somthing like that


Its a national holiday. Martin Luther Kings birthday---NOT "something like that".
Sorry, Caleb, I had to say something. Its a day worth celebrating. Cool blog you and Ryan have and great video too!

Ryan and Caleb said...

i just sead somthing like that so if i was rong it wouldent make me sownd like a compleat idot.

Anonymous said...

i just sead somthing like that so if i was rong it wouldent make me sownd like a compleat idot.

Too already do. So, Caleb and either of you have even one black friend? Hummmm??? I see you have a brown dog, thats progress, I guess. :)

Anonymous said...

This is a cool video.

Anonymous said...

lol thanks and ya iv had lost of black frinds and whites, yellow, and any othere color. why?


Anonymous said...

Guess I took the MLK comment the wrong way...sorry.
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I love you! You are< i > so cool.