Monday, February 25, 2008

My Sunday Feb 24

Yesterday was a vary exiting day. First i got up around 8:30..... and went to church me and Ryan help teach the youth there every few weeks. after church my mom tells me we are going to buy a few things for a old guy that lives on folly beach. needles to say i wasn't to Happy about going. so after about 1/2 an hour of driving and 1/2 an hour of shopping we get there. the first thoughts thew my head where OMGsh. He had the best crib i think iv ever seen. when u enter his House there was a BIG TV with lots of Gore movies and a wii with Resident evil 4. on his Flore there where skins of black bear rabbit and lots of others witch i couldn't recognize. as he showed us room by room. It was amazing he had a shotgun 2 rifles and a muskit with a scope. he had skulls teeth and many other bones. Needles to say i was imprest. but that's not the 1/2 of it. so on the way back from waves as we pull into are driveway when i sall a fox that had was dead.. (if u get freaked out about dead things i wouldn't read this) so i grabbed it and took it to the house. so i came up with the idea of skinning it (at 9:00) luckily my dad had dun it with a fox we frowned about a month ago so he new how. so about 2 hours later we had the skin. it will be about 2 or 3 weeks before we can do anything with it.
- Caleb


Anonymous said...

Yay! A new post! Wow, that guys house sounds awesome. We need to have a youth party there(cough cough). Have fun with the fox skin. What are you going to do with it?


Sarah said...

Great blog post very.............interesting =] Yall should change your blog. Like make it different!!


Sarah said...

Come on guys please write more!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I hate caleb. He is a queer. Stop being gay. Listen to music. (other than hello goodbye by the beatles).

Ryan and Caleb said...

oh well at leats i dont talk in third person and at i leave my name?? to bad i know hew u are...ann... and at least i dont waist my time lising to a bunch of people that sing things they dont mean?? all they want is a paycheck. why should i lisson to lies? ps (sorry for everyone that lissons to music)

Anonymous said...

caleb we have ben through this. First person uses I not third. I used I. Also i dont have a blog so i have to be anonymous. Underoath reads and shares the gospel after their concerts. So does Emery and Anberlin. Sullivan just turned down a huge record contract and my band makes no money. Sorry I love something God gave me a talent for. I use music to spread his word to others. Your the one who's name thing was I hate ann. Jesus said hating someone is murdering them in your heart. Also I shouldn't waste a talent. Do all things for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31. Thats what I do with my music. My band has sold plenty of CDs and they have music on there talking about God. We read versus at concerts. Before you try to talk about something you know nothing about bite your tongue or sit on your fingers.
God bless.

Ryan and Caleb said...

I give u a simple sulushen for leaving your name.. at the end just put -ann and about the music. Im not trying to say that EVERY band is out to just make mony. im saying that allmost all are. you have given me 3 names that in your eyes are doing the right thing and i am glad about that but at the same time most of the bands people lison to are fake (in my eyes). (sorry for the most people) and dont get me rong if u have the talent in making muic then please shair it with the rest of the world. I do beleave that is a ackt of worship and is imported... i thought we where stull talking about the beatles wich is not a christion groop. hew are u to say i dosent have a idea about what they are saying?? u call me gay and yet u have only seen me one time??

like this

Anonymous said...

ok first off learn how to spell. Second I doubt you can name over 5 bands without help and that doesn't include the bands I've named. The bands I listen to aren't in it for money. And the beatles I doubt seriously that you know what they are singing about. Here is a clue drugs. And the werent just in it for money just so you know. And gay means happy. If I ment it the other way I would call you a flaming homosexual. sorry caleb but you admited yourself that you know nothing about music. You did on the phone. Also I can name over 30 bands that aren't in it just for money. They just do what they love. Making music. But of course I wouldn't expect you to understand.
your gay

Anonymous said...

ACDC, Green day, Betals, Mercy me and Kiss hmmm i think thats 5?? and i know a few more. and im sorry but in the world u live in if u call somone gay and a quear that only meens one thing. i dont kair what u may think they mean and what your book tells u. So u just called most of the people in the world homosexuel. and are u stull on the bands arent in it for the muny thing?? i sead in the most part. so u are telling me that if u dont give any mony to all the bands that most of them will just keep playing? im sorry but i dont beleave that bands are thinking about much more the the botem line and how many people know them. and by saying most im not saying every band ok u know 30 that may not be in it for the mony do u now how many bands are out there and have ever ben out there?
p.s. (nice shot) realy? a dislexic cant spell what a shock

Sarah said...


Anonymous said...

I told you you couldn't get help and I named one of those. I can name over 300 bands that aren't in it for money. The stupid bands that suck at making music are in it for money. The ones that let there manager mix there music and don't write their own music. Please learn to spell. Being dislexic is no excuse. And yes the dictionary says happy. And queer means strange. Its not that the word means gay people just have dirty minds these days, including you. We can debate this all day but hands down I'm right. I'm going to call you sometime and straigtrn this out. And I just called you gay not the world. But I'm sure some people out there are happy too. Maybe if you listened to music you would understand. Good music anyway.

Anonymous said...

name 300 bands.


Sarah said...